Monday 12 April 2010

Its a fair cop

The decision by the Labour Party to portray David Cameron as the wonderfully unreconstructed 80s TV cop Gene Hunt was roundly condemned as a positioning error. If they had bothered to talk to anyone outside the party they would have quickly discovered that Gene is admired by exactly the kind of men they are trying to engage with and fancied by lots o women. (I have to confess I am in that category although he doesn't rank as in high on my list men I shouldn't but do secretly fancy as Stringer Bell). The poster has prompted lots of commentary and coverage but possible the best follow up was in yesterday's Mail on Sunday. As well as the regular questions such as "which party is best able to deal with the economic problems", it polled readers on which TV detective most reminded them of Gordon Brown and David Cameron. Gordon was regarded as most like dour (and indeed now dead) Taggart while Dave reminded 46% of those polled of posh detective Lord Peter Wimsey and only 10% of the marvellous Gene. Hilarious. Alas we are not told who which gumshoe Nick Clegg most reminds MoS readers of but the consensus amongst colleagues is Troy from Midsommer Murders.

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