I spent last night completing my tax return. Yes I know I have left it very late. Every year I promise myself that I will do it earlier to avoid having the terrible dark cloud hanging over me in early January, when let's face it life is grim enough. But at the risk of sounding like Moira Stewart, once I waded through the darkness and got going, it really wasn't too bad. Alright I did have to turn two drawers to find my "i must keep this safe because it contains information i will need for my tax return folder" and another hour to find my P60 (because it wasn't in the folder) but once I had gathered together all the necessary bits and pieces it took less than an hour. Clearly this in part reflects that fact that my finances are not what you could call complex. But it was also easy because the online system is genuinely really good. At a time when politicians and the media are queuing up to criticise government IT projects, can I commend this one? Easy, accessible and delivering an excellent service to the citizen.
tanya - just wanted to say I enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!