Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy 2013 - its not a prime number

Happy 2013 - it hardly rolls off the tongue does it? There is no obvious poetry or rhythm to the sound of the date. It would be different if it were a prime number - then there would be some magic and mystery about it. It isn't. It does, however, have the redeeming feature of having having three prime factors (3, 11 and 61) which does give it a glimmer of mathematical allure. Who'd have thought it? I am writing about maths. But one of my resolutions for 2013 is to extend (is that the right verb?) my hinterland, so expect more references to numbers, physics and potentially even chemistry over the coming year. Did I mention that I have also decided to blog again? I am starting this year exceptionally resolute. I have written a list, a long one, of things I intend to achieve in 2013. It includes in no particular order:

·      To make the perfect cheesecake – it has been on the list before and I am almost there. I have been adapting an original recipe from the marvellous Bill Pentler but I still think there is room for improvement. I am looking for the New York-style, sticks-to-the-roof-of your-mouth experience. I am pretty confident I can get there by Easter assuming I can find enough people to be tasters for me (see the next resolution but one).
·      To make choux pastry – again, we have been here before but I have so far failed to get around to this one completely. I want to make crab profiteroles with hollandaise sauce by the spring – and yes, I will be looking for tasting volunteers.
·       To lose another three kilos – another rollover, but for the first time possibly ever I am starting this year lighter than I started the last one, considerably lighter. I would still like to shed a few more kgs but more than anything I want to be fitter. I started running last year but remain a reluctant runner. I still haven’t had the supposed euphoria that exercise is meant to bring but I have, in recent weeks, found myself a little grumpy when I miss a run. Now, I promise I am not intending to run a marathon or anything crazy like that, but I would like to run a bit further, a bit faster, a bit more frequently. In my wildest dreams, I would like a flat stomach but I know this is reaching for the stars beyond my universe.
·      To do something new or scary at least once a month – I think this is a must for everyone. It doesn’t have to mean taking up skydiving, rather doing regular things that are intimidating or daunting and new things that might be fun and/or scary.
·      To visit the alphabet – that is to say, to visit places which begin with each letter of the alphabet, although not in alphabetical order. It sounds easier than I believe it will be – I think X and Z will be a challenge.

I have a couple of others which I do not intend to declare  but just be sure I am as committed to fulfilling these as the others. I shall provide regular progress reports as well as musings and abusings about other matters of major and minor consequence.

Best wishes for 2013  

1 comment:

  1. OMG ... how can you be thinking about choux pastry post-Christmas??? That is sooo wrong, when the rest of us are struggling with failed fitness-n-diet resolutions! But if you must, then recommend Delia online :-) Good Luck!
